Specialist Music - Mon 16 Sep

11-12pm Both Sides Now

Late night music from both sides of the Atlantic.

Presented by Kevin Downsworth

Specialist Music - Mon 16 Sep

10-11pm The Man In The Station

Presented by Mike O’Leary

Specialist Music - Mon 16 Sep

9-10pm Folk Us!

Folk music.

New releases, classic tracks, guests and details of events on in the area.

Presented by Tim Moon

Bradford Spice - Mon 16 Sep

7-8pm Punjabi Music

Punjabi folk songs and chit chat.

Presented by Bindra Kaur

Community Programmes - Mon 16 Sep

6-7pm Grow Your Own Way

How to grow anything and everything, indoors and outdoors in Bradford.

Presented by Martin Bijl and Sarah White

Followed by BCB Xtra

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