Weekend Early Evening - Sun 1 Sep

6-7pm Press Start

Your roundup of video gaming news.

Presented by Rachel Barraclough and Derek Doherty

Followed by BCB Xtra

One to One - Sun 1 Sep

5-6pm A guest in the studio talking to Carole Moss about their life and choosing their favourite tracks of music.

Speech Based Programmes - Sun 1 Sep

4-5pm Off The Cuff

A light-hearted look at recent topics.

Presented by Yunis Alam and Urfan Faqir

Speech Based Programmes - Sun 1 Sep

3-4pm JD’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle

Jacqui Drake talks to people connected with theatre. She chats to them about their involvement, their love of the arts, how they got started and plays their favourite show tunes.

Round Table - Sun 1 Sep

2-3pm A look behind the headlines with invited guests.

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