Bradford and Beyond - Fri 4 Oct

5-6pm Slices of Bradford life.

Bradford and Beyond - Fri 4 Oct

4-5pm Slices of Bradford life.

Afternoon Stretch - Fri 4 Oct

3-4pm The Classical Hour

Presented by Di Ives

Afternoon Stretch - Fri 4 Oct

2-3pm 10 Today (exercise for older people)

Followed by:

Senior Moments

The show for the young at heart.

Presented by Tina Watkin and Valerie Cosgrave

Speech Based Programmes - Fri 4 Oct

1-2pm The Reopening of the Kirkgate Centre in Shipley.

Hive Community Arts charity and the Kirkgate Centre will work in partnership from the refurbished building as the Shipley Sustainable Community Hub.

Presented by Jenny Painter

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